THE VANISHING NINJA Make a Ninja Vanish if your browser can handle it ! click near top edge of sections for best control
A-upper left ( the smallest of the
three rectangles ) Count the Ninja as displayed, there are fifteen. (15) Click on Section A, upper left corner and drag it upward. Click on Section B, upper right corner, and drag it left to replace Section A. Click on Section A again and drag it to replace the now shifted Section B, aligning as before. Count the Ninja. There are now fourteen. (14) Where did the fifteenth one go? Which one disappears? Move the sections back to their original positions and he reappears! This is not an electronic trick. The viewer can print the page, cut the sections out and try it with his own hands. It is a mathematical Puzzle that has defied Western science for centuries. Even I don't know how it works! But, it is great fun at parties and we share it with you for freely, a gift from DOJO Press. Enjoy! Ashida Kim |