Qi Gong Therapy Skill Sets

    This book is part of the 21st Century Qi Gong Therapy as compiled by Grandmaster Ashida Kim and designed for used by anyone desiring to know how the human body works from a Traditional Chinese Medicine-Martial Science viewpoint. This book includes all of the Skills Sets taught in the twelve part syllabus of the 21st Century Qi Gong Therapy. The Traditional Chinese Medicine components of the course are available as a separate book. This book is divided into the same chapters as the course work and is ring bound so it can be opened flat as a hard copy, quick reference manual that will enable the student to learn the exercises more easily.

-Read the Book-Take the Course- 21st Century Qi Gong Therapy

This text is not required for certification to First Degree Black Belt. It is made available for those who want the information in a non-electronic book format, or just want the information without taking the course. Tests for each section of the course are NOT included. Those are available ONLY as part of the PDF editions. Certification attained at each level allows the student to teach the material and techniques in that section.
While there is some advantage to progressing through the course in the published order because each part is essential to a greater understanding of the whole, it is not necessary to complete the entire course to learn many new skills that will benefit yourself and others. Let your current needs and interests help you choose where to begin. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So too, with learning.

8 1/2 x 11, softcover, text, pictures and charts


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