One of a Kind Course to End the Scourge of Bullies!
By Sensei Jay Blanton
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Sensei Jay Blanton
"The Black Dragon Fighting Society Anti-Bullying Programs are more than just another anti-bullying program that involves self-defense techniques to use on bullies. Our programs go beyond that, our anti-bullying programs are designed for more than just kids. Our programs are for Seniors, Women and Men being abused in domestic violence situations, work place bullying, cyber and texting bullying and any kind of abuse considered being a form of bullying.
We set-up workshops and seminars that educate the personnel in charge, for example, teachers, instructors, counselors, etc. involved in educating and assisting the victims. Our training will be to educate these people on what to look for when consulting these victims.
For example, I was bullied growing up as a child and hid it behind my fake smile and would tell no one what was going on in fear of being abused by the bullies worse. Because of a cleft palette which impaired my speech I was bullied and abused on a daily basis and even on the school bus."
"Then even into adulthood bullying went into the work place not only by the co-workers but also the management as well because I reported it to the management, the supervisor took it out on myself. I hid my bullying behind again a fake smile and basically withdrawn from everybody that was around me trying to help. Even though I was into the martial arts and could easily handle any physical abuse with ease, it was mentally abusing another form of bullying."
"This is what sets our anti-bullying training apart from the rest- We are not asking for donations. We are providing practical, tactical and strategic methods of dealing with this ongoing and pervasive problem.
Now YOU can be part of this noble cause! Become a Certified Anti-Bullying Instructor with the easy step-by-step role playing and interactive group discusstion course outline of the Official Black Dragon Fighting Society Anti-Bullying Program. If it is not we martial artists who should do this, then who will? If we don't do it now, then when will it ever be done? If you are a Martial Artist, teach it in your Dojo. If you are a Teacher, be the first to bring it to your school. If you are a member of the clergy, share it in your house of worship. We must end the scourge of bullying!
"We will educate all on what signs to look for in the victim being abused and to help the victim not only mentally but also teach them how to defend themselves against the physical abuse with the bullies. The children will be taught basic self-defense techniques to defend themselves without really hurting the bullies to the point of a life threatening injuries. The adults will be taught street combat self-defense techniques and to only use as much force as necessary to get away and to protect themselves from serious injuries. The Seniors will be taught how to use the Cane as a weapon as well as other self-defense techniques. All of these programs will have program outlines given to all and all adults will learn street legal weapons as well. These programs are based on the book: Prevailing Against Bullies My Life Story by Soke/Grandmaster Jay Blanton. I hope all is explained in this summary that I have written above, there is so much more to our programs just not enough space to explain all. That’s why I have written outlines for each these self-defense programs and upon request I will be glad to explain them more in depth. God bless all."
Soke/Grandmaster Jay Blanton
“Bullying continues to be a major issue despite the fact that awareness of the problem is at an all-time high. I founded Martial Artists Against Bullying (MAAB) because I believe that no other industry is in a better position to do something about bullying than the martial arts industry."Dave Kovar, Founder MAAB
Paperback | $29.95
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