Complete Black Belt Training Course
By Master Sven Ackermann
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5th Degree Black Belt Sensei Sven Ackerman's began his martial arts career at the age of six, practicing Judo. After many years of training and competitions, he decided to learn further systems of martial arts, amongst others he learned more about Ninjitsu, Ju-jutsu and Aikido as well as the handling of wood and metal weapons in different schools of combat sport.
At a seminar in 2006 Sensei Ackermann met Ninjitsu Grandmaster Ashida Kim whose techniques and teachings had influenced Sensei Ackermann for a long time. Since that meeting they have kept in close contact, enabling Sensei Ackermann to learn even more about Ninjitsu.
Essentials of Koga Ryu Ninjitsu will teach you:
In this DVD, Sensei Ackermann demonstrates some of the essential techniques necessary to practice Koga Black Dragon Style Ninjitsu. Each of which teaches the fundamental principles necessary to become a shadow-warrior of the darkness, a ghost-soldier of the night. Looked for, cannot be seen; listened for, cannot be heard; felt for, cannot be touched, the Ninja!
These forms, exercises and weapons are also found in many other martial arts styles and systems. What makes them unique is the Ninja principles of combat upon which they are based. These tehcniques are considered among the ultimate self-defense forms in the Martial Arts. They are specifically intended for the beginner or intermediate student and must be practiced hundreds of times to be executed with fluidity, strength, and precision to qualify for rank.
DVD | $29.95
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