By "Shorty" Hofnagel
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"I am Kim, friend to all the world...
“There are a lot of internet wannabees and keyboard commandos who have made themselves meaningless careers by trashing me and calling me a fake and a fraud."
“But, not to my face!"
“Because not one of them has a tenth my skill…”
"Ever wonder how to handle an asshole boss? Or any other bully? Here ya go!"
Being a Bad Ass is not the same as being a Bully.
People hate bullies, Badasses they just leave alone for fear of pissing them off.
Now YOU too, can be the Master of your Fate and the Captain of your Soul.
Never walk in Fear again!
Even a man who calls himself NADA-nothing, can save the world if he gets pissed off enough.
PUSS CLOP-The South African Bitch Slap!
It is not about picking a fight, it is about being willing and able to stand up for yourself; and having other people know it!
To that end, author Shorty Hofnagel, provides you with instruction on how to perform the South African Bitch Slap, a single technique that will drop an opponent to his knees and make you invincible in combat!
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Paperback | $17.95
Published by DOJO Press
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