Become a Knight Errant of the Realm!
DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts
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"The Pole Star School is a noble order of sentinels, guardians, protectors, teachers, and friends unified by their belief and observance of the universal brotherhood of all mankind. They harken back to a more civilized, classical time before the Great Flood of Biblical history. A legend that is found in the mythos of every ancient civilization known to man..."
The most ancient and honorable Order of the Pole Star School is among the earliest traditions of chivalry established by mankind. It was Chinese Boxers and Sages who spread civilization out from Tibet after the Great Flood and transformed the principle of "might MAKES right," which had hitherto prevailed in the ancient tribal world into "might FOR right." This concept later found expression in the Arthurian legends of Camelot and the Code of Bushido, to name but a few.
The fellowship is composed of eighty-one internationally constituted Companions, who appoint to themselves a variety of Knights Subject who report periodically, Knights Rampant who serve as free-lance agents to further the cause of the membership, and Knights Errant for special missions.
The Pole Star School does not discriminate between the genders, races, religions, creeds or cultures. Knighthood is a state of mind, a way of acting, of accepting responsibility for your life and setting a good example for others. Any Black Belt in any martial art is capable of demonstrating the spirit of Warrior ship and worthy to enter our fellowship of service. YOU too can be a part of this Great Work.
This book holds the key to self-knowledge, understanding of others, and empowers the individual to become a force of positive change in the world. This DOJO Membership includes Certificate of Knighthood and Certificate of Rank in your Chosen Style.
Paperback | $55.00
Published by DOJO Press
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