Secret Signs and Symbols of the Ninja’s Magickal Art!
By Master Tim Broussard
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The Five Animal Dim Mak form is what is known as a "perfect kata." By which it is meant that it is balanced between the aspects of Yin and Yang and conforms to the Laws of the Five Elements. First, it is a formal martial arts exercise. Second, it teaches techniques for applying the major “fists” of the martial arts system of which it is a part. Third, it teaches the vital and fatal points of the human upon which to apply these fists. Fourth, that these movements are not only martial and combative in nature, but also are therapeutic for the associated organs represented by the symbolic five animals, which represent the creative and destructive cycles of the Five Elements of Chinese medicine. Fifth, that it teaches all these things, anatomy, body movement and footwork, deadly fists and therapeutic massage, simultaneously and on an intuitive level that cannot be fully explained, only experienced by performing the exercise many times. This form is considered one of the ultimate self-defense forms in the Martial Arts. It is specifically intended for high ranking and skilled practitioners and must be practiced hundreds of times to be executed with fluidity, strength, and precision.
Sifu Jerry Cook demonstrates and teaches the fundamental Five Element Fist of Hsing-i Chuan:
This form, like 18 TIGERS DIM MAK, is considered one of the ultimate self-defense forms in the Martial Arts. It is specifically intended for high ranking and skilled practitioners and must be practiced hundreds of times to be executed with fluidity, strength, and precision.
Sensei Broussard set before the world the foundations of the Komuso Ryu in Ninja Magick, revealing five of the nine ways of that school of the Silent Way. Now, twelve years later, in the Year of the Black Dragon, Shidoshi Broussard reveals the final four ways of the Komuso Ryu in Revelations of the Black Lotus.
Paperback | $29.95
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