Instructional DVD!
By Shihan Jeremy Schmidt
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In this video, Shihan Jeremy Schmidt presents a variety of techniques using the Shinobi Gatana or Sword of Darkness such as making the blade shorter than the scabbard so the sword can be drawn more quickly and so that the extra part of the scabbard can be used to conceal documents or blinding powders.
This training enabled the Ninja to overcome his opponents using stealth and trickery instead of relying on years of practice and drills to develop a high caliber of swordsmanship. Ninjitsu, after all, was meant to be a simple system that could be used by a rapidly formed army of conscripts pressed into service by necessity rather than highly trained Samurai who spent a lifetime perfecting their skills.
This is the next level of training necessary to practice Koga Black Dragon Style Ninjitsu. To become a shadow-warrior of the darkness, a ghost-soldier of the night- the Ninja!
In 2009, Sensei Jeremy Schmidt was awarded the title 5th Dan by Grandmaster Kim and the title of U.S. representative of the Toushinkai school of Koka Ryu Ninjutsu from Sensei Turolla. Sensei Schmdt also holds a 5th Dan in Tai Jin Bugei Ryu Ninjutsu under Kyoshi Mathew Taylor, which is a secret sect not taught to the public.
DVD-NTSC Format; 45 minutes | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
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