By Ashida Kim
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Rape is not a crime of passion, it is an act of violent domination intended to break the spirit of the victim. Even if you survive, your life will never be the same. Either you will be psychologically traumatized by the forced sexual encounter and subsequent brutalization, or you will feel guilty because you had to defend yourself and kill the rapist to stop him.
It is far better to choose the latter course because even with the burden of knowing you have taken a life you will be empowered and alive. If you let the rapist win, he will be empowered and continue his mindless rampage against others.
The taking of a life does no one honor, but there are some mad dogs that cannot be allowed to live in a civilized world. Most people will never have an encounter where they must engage in a life-or-death struggle. They are lucky.
If you must fight, do your worst. Forget all the rules of fair play and any hope of rescue. STRIKE FIRST! STRIKE HARD! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! SHOW NO MERCY! For certainly, you would receive none from a rapist.
Ashida Kim is an internationally renowned martial arts expert who teaches and lectures on Ninjitsu, the Invisible Fist, around the world. He is the author of The Invisible Ninja, Iron Body Ninja, Ninja Mind Control, and many other books.
Paperback | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
90 Pages
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