Secret Training and Tools of the Silent Way!
By Shihan Jeremy Schmidt
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In The Way of Ninjutsu Ninja Shihan Jeremy Schmidt explains the proper method of breathing, Ninja stealth walking skills, the Five Elements of Hiding and Escaping, the secrets of infiltrating the enemy perimeter, secret tools and devices, and training the natural senses to heighten awarenesss.
Given here are some of the tricks and techniques used to develop the techniques of stealth and infiltration for political control in feudal Japan.
Shihan Jeremy Schmidt has been studying the Ninja arts for more than 26 years. He holds a 6th Dan Black Belt in Koga Hai Lung Ryu Ninjutsu. He is also the United States Head Representative of Koka Ryu Ninjutsu certified and authorized directly from Japan. Shihan also holds Dan rank in Shotokan Karate-do, Combat Jujitsu, Eishinn Ryu Iaido and others.
Paperback; illustrated; pamphlet bound | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
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