What To Do When Your Homeland Has Been Invaded and Occupied!
By Patriot Press
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The invasion of Ukraine by Russia may well mark the beginning of World War III, in terms of “conventional warfare.” Certainly Hitler’s invasion of Poland was much the same and preceded by the same lies and deception and trickery that was used by Putin. This strategy has always failed. But, those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
Assume your Homeland has been invaded, conquered and occupied. You have been “rounded up” as a dissident and placed in a “re-education facility” until you see the wisdom of Big Brother, or whatever bully has caused this atrocity and loss of life. Very often such prisoners are placed in “detention camps” cheaply and quickly constructed to house hundred of people in miserable conditions. These techniques were effective against that sort of detainment in WWII and are equally effective today.
Given here are the means and methods that have proven successful in resisting oppression.
As a Partisan fighting for the freedom of your people and your land, this is the way, to disrupt the enemy in any way you can at his weakest point, to tie up his resources in futile and wasteful ways, to kill him without mercy. YOU may be the only hope...
Since September 12th, 2001, the American HomeGuard has been gathering, preparing for the inevitable conflict that will come. When the People must fight to defend their Homeland. Writing these books, training, assembling our resources, forming special units, to be ready.
And, now we are.
Publishing these handbooks is our way of letting you know we are out there, watching, waiting, making sure that things don’t get too bad. And inviting you to join us in this, the great challenge of our time.
To save the Free World from fanatics who want to install themselves as the overlords of the Earth.
We will not let that happen. If you want to join us know that you are not alone, know that we are with you.
Paperback | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
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