11-in-1 Escape Tool Kit
By Includes Escape from Handcuffs and Zip-Ties
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The Ninja of feudal Japan were famous for infiltrating enemy strongholds and assassinating local warlords who were oppressing their people. Their skills are legendary. But, even they prepared for the possibility of capture, torture and death at the hands of cruel kings and princes by hiding secret devices upon their person to be used for escaping. In modern times, with the greater variety of restraints than mere ropes and chains, this has become increasingly difficult. The Ninja have therefore developed special tools and techniques for dealing with these obstacles, such as the multi-purpose Escape Tool which can also be used as an emergency weapon.
11-in-1 Escape Tool Includes:
This stainless steel credit card sized 11-in-1 Ninja Escape Tool comes with a handy carrying pouch that easily fits in your wallet so you can have it on hand for any situation; or, can be hidden in your shoe for high security; and features a key chain hole so you can put it on your keys or on a lanyard.
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to escape handcuffs, it is entirely possible to do so using ordinary objects. Handcuffs have standard locking mechanisms that can easily be unlocked with a makeshift key or shim. Using a makeshift key is an intricate process but it carries less risk than using a shim, which may result in tighter restraints.
Zip Ties were originally used to lash together bundles of wires. But, following riots in many major cities they were pressed into service as cheap, quick, mass arrest handcuffs. Kidnappers soon discovered they made excellent restraints for their victims, being made of tough plastic that was difficult to cut or chew through. Zip ties have a similar locking mechanism as handcuffs, but they can also be broken if you use enough pressure and force.
Stainless Steel | $19.95
Offered by DOJO Academy of Martial Arts
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