The Art of Invivibility




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KIMITAKE means Investigator, Care Taker, Courage

It is the name of a 15th century Japanese clan that was outlawed and exterminated during the infamous Sword Hunt, when the Shogun sent a 25,000 man army to kill all the Ninja in Iga and Koga provinces that had put him in power. The few survivors of this family escaped into the cities and allied themselves with the Yakuza, Japanese gamblers; while members of other clans fled into the mountains and became Yamabushi, warrior-monks.

Included in this Handbook:

All members of the Kimitake Ryu are trained in these methods as well as the arts of armed and unarmed combat, espionage, mind control, and invisibility; and are authorized to carry exotic weapons, transport and possess restricted information, participate in training functions and serve in an instructional capacity for the purposes of health and self- defense.

  • Mugei-Mumei no Jitsu, the Power to Fight or Disappear!
  • Metsubishi-Ko, Sight Removing Devices
  • Shime-waza, Japanese Sleeperhold and Deathlock
  • Tamieshiwara, Board Breaking
  • Kuatsu, The Power to Kill and Restore Life!

Be it known by all who encounter this testament that all Members have on file with our Fraternal Order sufficient credentials to warrant rank and membership and are entitled to all respect and courtesy commensurate their level of skill and date of rank by all members of our Fellowship when entering the Halls of Meditation and Learning.

About the NINJA!

“They come from the no-where; they go to the no-place; looked for cannot be seen, listened for, cannot be heard, felt for, cannot be touched; they are the terror that lurks in the night, their name cannot be spoken…”

Ninja are not supermen. There are no extraordinary men, only ordinary men who find themselves placed in extraordinary circumstances. Heroes are not born, they are made; by those who must or choose to forge their bodies in the fire of their will to become men of peace who can fight light ten tigers.

The family members of the Kimitake clan used many tools to survive the Shogun’s revenge for their loyalty and developed a simple and effective method of self-defense that is in keeping with the traditions of the Koga clan. Given here are the simple explanations for the skills that made them legendary as the invisible assassins of feudal Japan.

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Paperback | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press

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