Shadow Style Martial Arts!




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Kage Ryu is a complete combat system divided into two sections Basic and Advanced. Kage Ryu takes its name, which translates as Shadow style, from a school of swordsmanship no longer in existence. In Japan our symbol, the Dragonfly, is known as the “victory insect,” or kachimushi,  because of its hunting prowess and also because it is known to never retreat. Dragonflies are agile and fast fliers and can even hover, but never fly backwards. 

Topics in this Manual:

Sensei Ken Itake provides the lineage of his style from the historical Chinese roots, to the Japanese Takeda clan, and his own synthesis of many techniques to create this system.

  • History and Lineage
  • Takeda Clan Ninjutsu
  • Kage Ryu Curriculum
  • Kihon-Basic Techniques
  • Kata-Practice Forms
  • Bunkai-Application of Technique
  • Kumite-One-Step and Free Sparring
  • Kappo-Resuscitation Methods
  • Weapons Training
  • Special Requirements of Kage Ryu

“Kage-Ryu is a field of study to last a lifetime. While rank is a marker of achievement it should not be what drives the student. Mastery over one's emotions, fear and limitations is where true mastery is found.”

“Train hard so that you may prevail…”


About Kage Ryu Ninjitsu

The word Ninjutsu prompt the imagination and conjures up many visions.

Historically spies and assassins dressed in black operating in the shadows, their skills and tactics passed down from master to student. Masters of supernatural abilities like invisibility.

The specialist (Ninja) selected to carry out secret missions from hundreds of years ago are cut from the same cloth as those selected to do the same work today. Spy, gather intell, create dissension, find, snatch or assassinate high value targets, enter compounds and leave without detection. These men are also highly trained in hand to hand combat as well as many weapons system. They are also trained in several languages with an ability to blend and integrate with indigenous locals. They can operate almost any vehicle, including piloting aircraft and jumping from them under the cover of night. They are master scuba divers, adept in land navigation and survival. These operatives (Ninja) work for governments and private contractors.

Thus one must conclude that not much has changed, the shadow warriors and their profession is thriving, alive and well.

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Paperback | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press

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