The Art of Resuscitation




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Kuatsu, is the medical art of the restoration of life. This art is designed to resuscitate persons who have fainted or who have been knocked unconscious. These techniques, excerpted from the Complete Kano Jiujitsu, were part of the original syllabus of study for students of Jigaro Kano and conferred upon them the power to kill and restore to life.

Included in these techniques:

Charts and Anatomy Vital and Fatal Points

  • So-Kuatsu Pushing Upward on the Stomach
  • Jinzo-Kuatsu Pushing Upward on the Back
  • Te-Kuatsu-Back Slap Method
  • Kiri-Kuatsu Head and Neck Massage
  • Kogan-Kuatsu Heel Punch

Kappo, methods of resuscitation were usually taught in conjunction with methods of Sappo (Killing blows), this balanced approach allowed the practitioners of Jujutsu to subdue the aggressor and then quickly revive them. This dual concept fits the oriental ideas of Yin and Yang (opposites) and the importance of maintaining balance in life.

About Kuatsu

Originally it was felt that Kuatsu should be employed for reviving victims of attacks. Later, however, it was discovered that this art was also effective in some cases of drowning, sunstroke and in helping victims of accidents. It should be noted that these methods are ancient and are no longer considered the standard of modern medical care. Some of these methods have been replaced around the world by updated versions known of first aid. Modern methods of first aid have been guided largely by chance; many methods of Kappo (resuscitation) have evolved into modern first aid. Certification in these techniques is available through DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts

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