HARA-KI The Ninja Lion's Roar
By Ashida Kim
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The Lion’s Roar is a kung fu style created by the Tibetan Monk Ah-Dat-Ta around 1440. A technique where the user releases a strong sound wave by concentrating Qi within their diaphragm strong enough to completely disrupt an unprepared enemy and is able to damage their inner ear drums which causes them to lose their sense of balance, presenting an easy target. In much the same way, the Ninja employ Hara-Ki, using sound or their voice to overcome an opponent.
Unlike Verbal Judo, the Gentle Art of Persuasion to calm an opponent and defuse a potentially harmful conflict, Verbal Karate is about provoking and antagonizing the opponent into taking a rash action or making a bad decision. All of these techniques are insults designed to disable an opponent by making him self-conscious.
And, if those don't work, physical self-defense techniques are included:
Verbal Karate is therefore an act of kindness. Because, from the moment you accept the opponent’s challenge, compelled by circumstances or not, you are ready and willing to strike a decisive blow that will end the conflict in one stroke and discourage any further attacks. This is the Shotokan Karate philosophy of Ikken Hiatsu-WIN WITH ONE PUNCH!
A lot of people think that Hara-Ki is the ability of a martial arts master to call up from the depths of his being a “spirit-shout” so powerful that his opponent is rendered unconscious at once, much like the Lion’s Roar. And, there are some masters who claim to have this power. Unfortunately, it is usually demonstrated on their own students, who know what to expect, and would surely “take a fall” for their revered Sensei or teacher. Certainly, from the description of “tightening the belly to charge” and the methods of using sound waves from a “belly shout” or Kiai to startle an opponent one can see how such a talent could be developed and perfected. Of course, that might take half a lifetime. Most of us don’t have that long to devote to a martial art, even one so esoteric as Hara-Ki.
So, we have here provided here a variety of Verbal Put-Downs that can be used to mentally shock a bully into stunned silence for just a few seconds, long enough to get away or knock him out. These verbal techniques are designed to “create that opening,” allowing you to take a decisive action. The main principle at work here is to make the bully self-conscious, thus taking the onus off yourself. Ideally, you want to “embarrass him” instead of killing him. Hara-Ki is about using your voice instead of your fists.
Paperback | $34.95
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