The Yellow Emperor's Classic
as taught by his Three Concubines
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Not since the Joy of Sex has there been a comprehensive treatise on the Art of Love-Making, until NOW! Authorship of the Yellow Emperor’s Classic, like many ancient texts, is somewhat obscure and confused by the passage of time. Few legendary heroes survive the ages, and as is often the case, are amalgamated with other hero myths for the purpose of preserving the tribe’s history. So too, with the Yellow Emperor, Huang Ti, who, depending on the history being told, may have lived anywhere from 4000 to 6000 years ago.
Huang Ti is credited with everything from engineering feats to control the flooding of the Yellow River, to destroying every book in China except the I Ching, as well as authorship of the Classic of Internal Medicine, the basis for traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. In any event, the tale is told that when he had accomplished many of the other feats attributed to him, he turned his attention to the Harmony of Yin and Yang as expressed in love-making, creating the Secrets of the Jade Bedroom.
It should be noted that despite the various discrepancies associated with the Yellow Emperor legend, that virtually all reports agree on one thing-he did not die in the customary sense of the word. But rather, as reported in the Classic of Internal Arts, lived to be 250 years old and, having accomplished all he had set out to do for his people, made love to one thousand women in a week and ascended directly to Heaven!
How to use this Pillow Book
Do not be afraid to go beyond the instructions of the Yellow Emperor. This is but one Path to Enlightenment, may you find your way as pleasant.
This is an American interpretation of a Japanese Pillow Book. Since ancient times, kings, princes, courtesans, and queens have employed such instructional manuals in the Art of Love. Chinese Yogic and Tantric Rites are based on the principles of controlling Sexual Energy. Pillow Books have existed as long ago as 451 B.C. Even today in Japan, black and white comic fantasy art is popular and deals essentially with sex and violence.
It is said that the Japanese keep these Pillow Books at the beside and that lovers often read through them together to stimulate themselves into a state of arousal as part of foreplay. Surely, for those who have been married for a long time or otherwise remained with a single partner, the desire to experiment with a variety of positions prevents the development of sameness or boredom that might lead to difficulties.
Paperback | $39.95
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