and How-To-Use-It!
By Patriot Press
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The shield is older than civilization itself and no other implement has shaped warfare to such a tremendous extent.
Shield walls and phalanx tactics are plainly visible in carvings from ancient Sumeria which date back to 2600 BC. Shield wall tactics were also used by ancient Egyptians. In Ancient Greece, all infantry tactics were built around the shield – a hoplite was not considered armed without his aspis which enabled the phalanx formations of the age – and the skirmishers who fought outside formation, peltasts, were named after their light shields, pelta. So, too, was the Roman shield, the scutum, the most essential piece of a legionnaire’s kit; the infantryman could fight without body armor, but never without his shield.Shield Techniques
Shield Retention
As centuries passed and the age of the lance and crossbow bolt developed into the age of gunpowder, the shield fell into disuse. The wooden or light iron shield was no match for firepower. By the 18th century, it was already effectively obsolete in a military context. But, unlike the lance and the saber, the shield has evolved, and today’s ballistic shields differ enormously in their construction from the shields of ages past. They are also used in a very different manner.
Basic Techniques:
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