The Unbelievable True Story of The British Criminal-Turned-Spy
Who Fooled The Nazis!
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In the dark, early days of World War II, as the Luftwaffe hovered in British skies and U-boats prowled the English Channel, paranoid Britons saw German spies around every corner. What no one knew was that Germany’s star spy-sent to disrupt Britain and sabotage the war against fascism-wasn’t a dedicated Nazi at all. In fact, he wasn’t even German.
He was a safecracker and professional criminal languishing in prison on the island of Jersey when the Nazis invaded. An adept manipulator, he convinced the Germans to use him to spy on the British. And when the would-be traitor parachutes into England, he turns himself in, convinces the English into using him as a double agent -- in exchange for a full pardon. So begins the hair-raising true story of a professional thief turned self-sacrificing World War II patriot.
Sifu Jerry Cook demonstrates and teaches the fundamental Five Element Fist of Hsing-i Chuan:
He was a special breed - intelligent, curious, charming, good facility for languages, and the ability to make pretty much everyone feel at ease and engaged. More than one woman described him as "The best looking man I ever met."
History books are filled with colorful characters, and Agent Zigzag was definitely one of the brightest. He could be called many things, rogue, scoundrel, con-man, cheerily unrepentant criminal, and secret agent? Desperate times call for desperate measures, the old saying goes, and the dark days of World War II were definitely desperate times. Had he been living, working, and stealing at any other time in history, he may have found governments and military agencies, and those who arrested him, to be much less lenient than then were. He wasn’t the sort to be trusted with anything, yet the British intelligence did trust him. And so did the Germans.
John Masterman, the ascetic chairman of the "Double Cross" committee responsible for turned agents, took a Pygmalion-like interest in Chapman, and wondered if he might be reformed. In the end, his MI5 file noted that he was a crook "whom only war could invest with any virtue."
Paperback | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
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