Legendary Adventures of the Most Famous Buccaneers in History!
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Pirates have existed since ancient times, the Golden Age of Piracy was in the 17th and early 18th centuries. During this time more than five thousand pirates were said to be at sea.But, being a pirate was not quite the “beer and skittles” romantic adventure of a lifetime that it has so often been portrayed. It was hard, grueling work, interspersed with moments of extreme danger and ferocity. You could fall off the boat and be lost at sea, scurvy from lack of fresh fruit, medical services were scarce if they existed at all, and then it was mostly to treat wounds received in battle. You could be keel-hauled or flogged for the slightest infraction. There were hurricanes, pirate hunters, rival buccaneers, mutineers, few ports-of-call that could be called safe or considered sanctuaries.
Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear and the legendary tales of high adventure on the Spanish Main by the most famous Pirates ever to sail the Caribbean.
In England during this period there was much social disruption. Smaller farmers were forced off the land by ruthless landowners and smaller tradesmen were challenged by larger businesses. These displaced people flocked to urban areas looking for work or poor relief. In London especially there was overcrowding and unemployment and funds for the poor could not meet the need. People had to shift for themselves. Distressed people weren't simply worse off, they had no hope of making a better life. Piracy tempted poor seamen because it offered them the chance to take more control of their lives. Piracy not only offered them a chance to "get rich quick" but also a rare opportunity to exert a degree of power over others. Of course, if you were caught, you were hanged.
Paperback | $29.95
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