First published in 1983, translated into sixteen languages and sold in pirate editions domestically and overseas as "Invisible Ninja," Ninja-Secrets of Invisibility has proven to be the definitive work on infiltration, assassination and vanishing without leaving a trace. In 1996 all copyrights reverted to the Author from the former publishers. Existing stocks have long since been exhausted, although the former publishers continue to print and distribute this book in flagrant copyright violation and under the bogus title "Invisible Ninja," the ONLY legitimate source for this book, rewritten and republished from original photographs so that no claim of copyright infringement can be made by the former publishers, is DOJO Press. Learn for yourself the secret methods of the feared and dreaded Ninja, invisible assassins of ancient Japan, and how their techniques are still used today for military and covert operations.
"Now the Evil Ones will know WHY they fear the shadows lurking around every corner... In every darkened room... As relentless as their own guilty conscience... Because the Tong of Retribution NEVER FORGIVES, NEVER FORGETS, and NEVER FAILS......"
Ashida Kim is an internationally renowned martial arts expert who teaches and lectures on Ninjitsu, the Invisible Fist, around the world. He is the author of The Invisible Ninja, Iron Body Ninja, Ninja Mind Control, and many other books.
Paperback | $34.95
200 Pages | Perfect Bound 6 x 9
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