of Ko Hung Lao
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In addition to its many physical benefits, Tai Chi is said by the Chinese to have certain psychological effects as well. Tai Chi emphasizes complete relaxation, and is essentially "meditation in motion." Unlike the hard martial arts, Tai Chi Chuan is characterized by soft, slow, flowing movements that emphasize internal force, rather than brute strength. Though it is soft, slow, and flowing, the movements are executed precisely. As a form of moving meditation, it is intended to help one understand oneself and to enable one to deal with others more effectively. This latter function is rooted in one's learning to control oneself. This self-control can come about through the two fundamental ideas found in the Tao Te Ching and I Ching.
This book Workbook teaches Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan and is designed and intended primarily for those who have decided to learn this exercise after age fifty.
By moving in harmony with the Force, we learn our place in the universe and the very meaning of life by opening the channels of energy and allowing them to flow. This instructional manual designed to stand erect sos that the student can follow the sequence of techniques, uses step-by-step photographs to illustrate and explain each movement.
"Tai Chi Chuan is a particularly long and complicated kata (dance or formal exercise) that was called The Great Dance in ancient times. In contrast to most of the forms encountered in martial arts, this one is slow, uses no “power” or speed, and stressed balance and breathing above all else. There are many techniques that seem to serve no combat or self defense function but the techniques are there nonetheless. Hidden within the subtle movements. Ready to be applied against any attacker with lightning speed when activated by the power of fear. Yet the practice of it conveys to the Tai Chi Player a sense of calm and self assurance. Like most transcendental subjects, the depth and meaning of this exercise cannot be truly conveyed in mere words. The only way to truly understand it is to learn the form and do it for a few years. Then, one day, you will look back and realize how far you have come, how much you have benefited from the practice, and all the subliminal lessons you have learned about health, longevity and your self. It’s worth the effort.
"Sooner or later, all martial artists come to Tai Chi Chuan.."
Paperback; 8.5 x 11 inches;illustrations; | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
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