Low Kicks and Dirty Tricks
By Dieuseul Berto
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In the ring, you must protect yourself at all times. In this, the second booklet of the series, Champion Dieuseul Berto teaches you some of the dirty tricks you might encounter when dealing with unscrupulous other fighters. Including Head Butts, Knee Kicks and Face Slaps. Don't be naive. A lot of these people are trying to hurt you. Might as well be able to defend yourself.
Both of Berto's sons and his daughter were UFC Champions with televised matches.
Dieuseul Berto is a pioneer of the professional martial arts, trained in Karate, Boxing, and Wrestling, he has competed and won in Ultimate Fighting Matches in Japan, South America, and the USA that are illegal in twelve states. "Most fights have one or two stand-up techniques and end up on the mat."
Paperback | $19.95
Published by DOJO Press
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