Closed Stance and Leg Locks
By Dieuseul Berto
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Far more than the title suggests, this, the fifth of the series, delivers the advanced techniques of Ultimate Fighting. Once on the ground, Champion Dieuseul Berto illustrates how to control the opponent, making him carry your weight to tire him out, and how to progressively subdue with chain-wrestling techniques. If you want to be a grappler, you can't do better than these instructional manuals to learn from.
Both of Berto's sons and his daughter were UFC Champions with televised matches.
Sensei Berto teaches at Tiger's World of Martial Arts, 302 6th St SE, Winter Haven FL 33880; (863)299-3661 and is contracted by Grandmaster Fujiwara, well known and respected promoter of professional martial artists, to host and train Japanese Shootfighters for televised matches overseas."
Paperback | $19.95
Published by DOJO Press
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