This Book Could Save Your Life!



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Monsters and demons walk among us. Every day there are more stories of beautiful young women being raped and killed and thrown away like trash. These are desperate times. And, there is not much to stop the mad dogs from taking what they want from anyone.


Law enforcement is outgunned and outmanned. Even if they wanted to be everywhere to prevent these crimes, it would be impossible. Nor will the powers that be allow citizens to arm themselves in self defense. Even the least offensive of weapons is banned for fear it might violate the civil rights of the attacker. Who cares nothing for YOUR RIGHTS and arms himself easily with the intent of inflicting injury on any who dare to defy his outrageous demands. Kidnappings and murders are common. Women and children go missing every day, never to be heard from again, while criminals walk the street openly, flaunting their defiance of the law.

So, what are YOU going to do about it?

Be a victim? Or, learn the simple and effective method used by the people for centuries to defend themselves from criminals and oppressive governments KARATE!

Takes too long, you say? Too difficult? Too expensive? Not so!

Given here is the ancient and secret method used by the most feared warriors and assassins of feudal Japan, the NINJA!

Even if you only read this book once, you will have learned enough to kill, cripple, or maim any attacker. Initial attempts at regular publication of this forbidden and secret training manual of the covert Ninja Brotherhood were rejected as the material was considered too graphic and horrifyingly brutal.

This is, without doubt, the deadliest, most savage and terrifying fighting art known to man!

These maiming, mutilating, disfiguring, paralyzing and crippling techniques were known by only a few people in the world. They have never before been available to anyone outside the secret fraternal membership. Now they can be yours!!!


Train yourself and be your own Master!

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Paperback | $19.95
Published by DOJO Press

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