Unlike Anything You've Seen Before!
Formal Exercises of Martial Arts
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Kata are the formal exercises of all Karate. Each of the Martial Arts Masters on this video is a "dragon." Sifu Thai Tran; Sensei Chris Hunter; Professor John Doudrick; Ultimate Fighter Dieuseul Berto, trained in the fistic and grappling arts. Dancing these ritual exercises to music.
On this Instructional DVD:
These forms, exercises and weapons are found in many other martial arts styles and systems. The legend has always been that when martial arts were outlawed during the frequent warring periods in Asia, the Boxers would practice in secret by doing their exercises to music, claiming them to be folk dances, to fool the Emperor's guards. Most Dojo, Martial Arts Schools, do not practice this method. Most do these exercises by rote, to the count of an instructor or Sensei. Some don't teach Kata ("dance") at all. But, music adds rhythm and timing to the practice. Even when the forms are done silently and the music added later, you can see how the movements are timed and sequenced to develop the student's skill and why they must be practiced hundreds of times to be executed with fluidity, strength, and precision to qualify for rank.
DVD | $29.95
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