Complete Black Belt Training Course




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Learn the secret Kung Fu exercises that will make you, Invulnerable to serpent’s fang or tiger’s claw... Invincible in combat...Immortal champion of light and justice...

The fourth in Grandmaster David Harris' INVINCIBLE KUNG FU SERIES completes:

  • “Advanced GROUND CHI Exercises 9-10...
  • "Begins practice of the SEVEN IMMORTALS BOXING Form in preparation for the final exercise..
  • "YIN AND YANG STRIKING, the culmination of Invincible Hour practice. It cannot be adequately explained, only experienced and only learned by the progressive practice of these exercises....

These Secret Kung Fu techniques are the Treasures from which flow all the legendary fighting, healing and longevity techniques of ancient civilizations that enabled man to live long and healthy lives without “modern” medicine.

Grandmaster David Harris

These secret Kung Fu treasures, are seldom taught outside closed family circles. But, with these exercises you can learn the secret of your own internal power and become the master of your fate, the captain of your soul and set a good example for all. These techniques were once widely known, then forbidden. Now it is time to share them with you again. It doesn’t take years of training or pain. Just a few basic steps. Anyone can do them. It’s as simple as that…”


This DVD/Videotape was originally sold under the title "The INVINCIBLE HOUR." It was, however, so successful that Grandmaster David Harris has expanded his program into the current 4-volume set. This is the beginning, the basic set of techniques that should be mastered before the advanced methods are attempted. These techniques alone will enable you to stand head and shoulders above your former level of training.

It only takes sixty minutes, one INVINCIBLE HOUR, to find out how. What have you got to lose? You might just learn something that will save your life, and make you a better person as well. Unlike anything you’ve seen before.

Product Details

DVD-NTSC Format; 60 minutes | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press

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