Instructional DVD!
By Grandmaster Lawrence Day
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In this twenty minute video Dr. Day demonstrates the 108 Movements of Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan in the traditional manner of Chinese instruction. Slowly performing and naming each part of this ancient exercise of good health and longevity that is also the Grand Ultimate Fist. This practice is well known for its health giving benefits, all of which are devastating self-defense techniques when powered by the adrenalin of fear.
The movements stretch and flex every part of the body, keeping the limbs supple and the posture straight and tall. They exercise the internal organs to keep you healthy and fit. With time and patient practice this Great Dance can enable you to move in harmony with the flow of the universe. You practice slowly and gracefully. If attacked, you respond with with speed and power. There are two kinds of strength, the outer which is obvious and fades with age. And, the inner, which is more subtle and lasts a lifetime, or a little longer. Tai Chi Chuan is the cultivation of this energy for good health and longevity. Few masters know so well as Dr. Day.
Grandmaster Lawrence Day demonstrates the principles and application of this graceful and gentle art.
Yang Style Postures Include:
USMA Hall of Fame member Grandmaster Dr. Lawrence Day began his Martial Arts journey with the Black Dragon Fighting Society under Count Dante (whose real name was Grandmaster John Keehan) in Chicago. Dr. Day is one of the original Black Dragons that studied under Grandmaster Count Dante and Grandmaster Doug Dwyer and has been a Black Dragon Fighting Society member from the mid 60's to present day. He has also studied with Grandmaster Senzo Tanaka and was awarded the title 34th Generation Shaolin Monk. Among his students is the legendary Frank Dux of Bloodsport fame. In the movie, Dux proves he is a member of the Black Dragon Fighting Society by breaking the bottom brick in a stack of five. This technique is known as the Tibetan Burning Palm and was taught to Hanshi Dux by Grandmaster Day.
DVD | $29.95
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