Part Two-Complete Qi Gong Training Course
By Grandmaster David Harris
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In this DVD, Grandmaster David Harris demonstrates how to balance meridians on someone and on yourself by clearing blockages and moving Qi through the meridians. Having knowledge of meridian location is helpful. This DVD is not meant/intended/implied to diagnose/treat/cure any disease or condition. One chooses to participate in these activities at one’s own risk.
David Harris is Grandmaster of four Martial Arts and Qi Gong with 40 years of experience. He held the World Title in Kumite Open Fighting for two years and the World Title for Brick Breaking a stack of eighteen 1200 psi concrete blocks.
"I began my study of martial Arts at four years of age. Individuals who find one Grandmaster in a lifetime to study with are fortunate. Being in the right place at the right time, I have had the honor of studying with many Grandmasters in Martial Arts. Three of these grandmasters found me so worthy as to honor me as the inheritor of their martial arts systems."
"I have been fortunate to walk in the footsteps of many masters. And they have taught me that fighting is not the answer, that martial arts are about self-discovery and becoming a better person. With their guidance, I have turned the knowledge and energy I originally learned to inflict damage or death into healing.”
Chinese medicine is an ancient complete system of medicine with its own forms of diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and therapies. Chinese medicine views the body as an energetic system in dynamic balance. Qi, which can be translated as energy or life force, flows in a regular pattern through a system of meridians throughout the body.
When the flow of Qi is unimpeded there is harmony, balance, and good health. When there are Qi blockages, too much or too little Qi, there is an imbalance which can lead to disharmony and disease.
Proper usage of Chinese Qi Gong Breathing Techniques helps restore the body to balance and works on an energetic level to affect all aspects of a person: mind/body/spirit. Chinese medicine can be used to correct imbalances that have become illness and pain, or even correct imbalances prior to the appearance of symptoms, preventing disease, maintaining good health and promoting longevity.
DVD | $19.95
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