presented by
Shihan Jeremy Schmidt
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In the third DVD in his series, Sensei Jeremy presents Eishinryu Iaido Fundamentals, the Japanese art of Quick Drawing the Sword. Much like the mythical gunfighters of the Old West, the Samurai were experts of the quick kill. Many a foe met his end simply by being too close and not expecting a warrior to “cheat” by cutting him down on the first stroke.
This instructional video builds on the foundation of the earlier techniques to provide the student with a greater understanding of the methods and practices used in the Koga system.
n 2009, Sensei Jeremy Schmidt was awarded the title 5th Dan by Grandmaster Kim and the title of U.S. representative of the Toushinkai school of Koka Ryu Ninjutsu from Sensei Turolla. Sensei Schmdt also holds a 5th Dan in Tai Jin Bugei Ryu Ninjutsu under Kyoshi Mathew Taylor, which is a secret sect not taught to the public.
DVD-NTSC Format; 55 minutes; | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
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