Official Training Manual of the Klingon Imperial Marine Forces
T'LeSI Military Academy
"So, Earther! You think you want to learn Mak Bar, the fighting art of the Klingon Empire?"
"Very well! But, I warn you there is more here than meets the eye. Honor and glory there is, and more.."
"To be a warrior you must be strong, you must know, you must dare, and you must be silent. These secrets have never before been revealed to an out-worlder!"
"Oh! Some have tried. But, they gave up beause it was too hard! Or, insulted their teacher and were killed. But, none, so far, have grasped the true meaning.
"Even you, may not be worthy, for there are many tests and trial along the Way or the Warrior. But, you may try...Qapla' (success)!"
T'LeSI Military Academy
This is an official manual of the T'LeSI military academy. It serves as the standardization for teaching Mak-Bar, Way of the Warrior.
Although these techniques evolved on an alien planet in an entirely warlike culture, they are nonetheless similar in many ways to Oriental and Western martial arts. The Teachings include:
- The First Lesson is Balance-Lesson for Whole Life
- The Second Lesson is Breathing-Exercises similar to Qi Gong
- Basic Movements-Focus, Concentration, Rooting to the Earth
- The Great Dance of Mak Bar-Tai Chi like Practice Form
- Defensive Techniques-Bird of Prey Opens Wings
- Offensive Techniques-Bird of Prey Claw/Head Butt
- Self Defense-Choke Escape-Double Ear Clap
- "nach-mup"-Klingon Head Butt
All true Klingons are taught the Mak-Bar, as well as the skills of tracking and hunting and bat'Leth. These are manly arts, found in every culture and on every planet in the Universe. It is just that those who are members of the tlhIngan Huggequ [Klingon Defense Forces] are better at them because of the balance we have developed over centuries of practice between the fire of combat and the waters of healing.
You can find the Imperial Klingon Marine Forces everywhere, JUST FOLLOW THE NOISE!
Paperback; Illustrated
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