Syllabus to 1st Degree Black Belt
By DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts
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This is the Basic Course and Syllabus leading to graduation as Black Belt 1st Degree, Induction into Black Belt International and DOJO-Academy of the Martial Arts Teaching Certificate. We are the ONLY Martial Arts Fraternity to award such a certification upon presentation of qualifying credentials in any style or system of the fistic and grappling arts.
Read the BOOK-See the VIDEO! Black Belt Instructor's Manual-DVD
This syllabus was developed by the DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts. This training manual provides a unique and innovative approach to martial arts and self-defense instruction.
There are many instructional videos on the market. But, not everyone has a DVD player. Sometimes you want to look a detail up in a book, but it doesn’t provide enough information on direction or is unclear in its explanation. Here the two are combined. The associated DVD provides a demonstration of how the "kata" or formal exercise is practiced as well as the applications of each technique. A book, for all its detail, cannot adequately show movement. Thus, both are necessary and form a proper unit for study and self-instruction. Or, it may serve as a reference and guide for traditional Dojo training.
Paperback; Perfect Bound Softcover; 8.5 x 11 inches; 200 pages; photos and illustrations | $44.95
Published by DOJO Press
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