DOJO-Rank and Membership
Black Belt Certification in your Chosen Style
By DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts
Certificate and Handbook
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"This document certifies that the named bearer is a registered member in good standing of our most ancient and honorable Martial Arts Fraternity." Specify Name, Rank, and Style to be designated on your Official Membership Certification and placed in your Permanent Record with our Fellowship. If you wish, include a photo and copies of any previous certificates you want kept on file to validate your credentials. It is fine to study and earn the coveted Black Belt of martial arts skill. But, many self taught or military trained martial artists who are worthy of this rank are not certified for want of paying never ending dues to some absentee grandmaster or not having attended some traditional facility.
Specify Name Spelling, Rank, Style, Certificate Size (8.5 x 11 inches or 11 x 17 inches) and any Special Endorsements you may wish to have included to: Dojo-Academy of Martial Arts
We recognize that all martial arts are valid in their own way and that it is the life experience of the student that makes them worthy of recognition. Certification in your chosen style of fighting art can also be awarded upon presentation of previous credentials at Black Belt level or above. Video Testing is available as part of the fee if necessary, and will be evaluated by recognized instructors and sanctioned in any school or freestyle method designated by the applicant. Prior certification or documentation eliminates the videotesting requirement. Qualified Military Hand-to-Hand Combat or Self-Defense Experts are eligible for this Certificate. No additional training required. Get credit for what you already know.
If you already have certification in your Chosen Style and wish to test for higher graduation, our Martial Arts Fraternity has among its membership experts from almost every style and system known to man who can review your Video Test or other credentials and evaluate your performance for membership or promotion to a greater rank. Martial artists often lose their certifications when moving or do not save them along the Warrior Path. Sometimes, no certificates are awarded by their teachers or the schools they attended. This document resolves those issues by serving as a replacement for lost, stolen, or destroyed documents and as confirmation of previous rank. Display your credentials proudly. All of our certificates are fine artwork, history, and tradition, suitable for framing, that can be yours for the asking.
Certification | $55.00
Published by DOJO Press
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This DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts Certification sanctions the holder to practice and teach his or her chosen style of martial art or health and fitness method as a Certified and Registered Member of Yudansha International. The DOJO-Academy of the Martial Arts is the ONLY style, system, ryu, tong, or organization to offer Teaching Credentials in this manner. The rest offer, at best, a certificate of rank. Many people think once they get a Black Belt they can open a school. Not that easy. This document sanctions the Bearer to practice and teach his Chosen Style or system in the manner he sees fit. No monthly reports or quarterly reports are required, no rules or restrictions are placed upon the Instructor. Video Testing or sufficient Time-in-Grade and adequate Rank are required to qualify for Teaching Certification.
Our Objective:
To be competent, proficient, cooperative and love our fellow man. To appreciate the wonder and diversity of the Universe and the ways in which those differences interact to create meaning beauty and meaning. To be humble, honest, and moral. To enjoy a long and healthy life and set a good example for all.
Certification| $55.00
Published by DOJO Press
+ $9 Priority Shipping
This DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts Franchise License to Own and Operate a Sanctioned School teaching your Chosen Style is granted through BLACK BELT INTERNATIONAL. Requires DOJO Instructor Membership or Black Belt Membership and proposed syllabus of study. The Threefold Principle of Teaching applies to any art, martial or otherwise. Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. And, tell them what you told them. Preparation, lecture, review. Teachers have tremendous power to shape young minds and a great responsibility to pass on the knowledge that will enable them to survive, grow, and adapt to the ever-changing world. Martial Arts turn bullies into gentlemen and cowards into men. You can be part of that process Share what you have learned! Be a light for those in darkness, a sanctuary for those oppressed, a defender of the helpless, a keeper of the peace, a respected Teacher of the Way.
Members of the Black Belt Council are nominated by secret ballot and are elected for life or until they may wish to discontinue service. Candidates are selected in closed hearings of the sitting Grandmasters, their staff, agents and experts. These meetings may go on for months without a suitable choice being made. Once accomplished, however, the selection is made known through the Martial Arts Network of Black Belt International within twenty-four hours to those with sufficiently advanced security clearance and the need to be apprised of any change in the chain of command. All major policy decisions are made by simple majority, with rotating chairmanship among the members at each session.
Paperback | $110.00
Published by DOJO Press
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