The Dance of Invisibility
By Ashida Kim
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"The hand is quicker than the eye" is a maxim known to every magician. Through distraction, diversion, distortion, obfuscation, and confusion a Ninja can disappear before the very eyes of his opponent, thus giving rise to the Ninja legend of invisibility. Kata are the formal exercises of Karate. They are used to practice techniques alone or in combination with a partner. Mi Lu Kata is one of nine basic practice forms found in Ashida Kim's Koga Style Ninjitsu.
Shown here in dynamic animated DOJOmation, Ninja Master Ashida Kim imparts his wisdom and defines the stances and techniques required for vanishing without a trace and fighting with the Invisible Fist.
See the DVDAshida Kim is an internationally renowned martial arts expert who teaches and lectures on Ninjitsu, the Invisible Fist, around the world. He is the author of The Invisible Ninja, Iron Body Ninja, Ninja Mind Control, and many other books.
Paperback | $29.95
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