The Dance of Invisibility
By Ashida Kim
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"Looked for, they cannot be seen...
"Listened for, they cannot be heard...
"Felt for, they cannot be touched...
Ashida Kim, author of fifty books on the ancient and honorable Art of Stealth, Ninjitsu, demonstrates techniques from the Silent Way that earned the Ninja legendary fame as the Invisible Assassins of feudal Japan.
Ninjitsu is based on the principle that a grain of sand in eye can hide a mountain. This single principle of invisibility is the basis for all Ninjitsu techniques.
This videotape fulfills the promise made by many martial arts. Namely, the ability to overcome any attacker WITH NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!
Simply by making the enemy blink, this long forbidden power to Fight or Disappear can be YOURS! This is the beginning form, the basic technique learned by those who practice the Silent Way. Be among the few that know these secrets, the Ninja…
Read the BOOKAshida Kim is an internationally renowned martial arts expert who teaches and lectures on Ninjitsu, the Invisible Fist, around the world. He is the author of The Invisible Ninja, Iron Body Ninja, Ninja Mind Control, and many other books.
DVD | $29.95
90 Minutes | Color | NTSC-DVD Format
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