This Book Could Save Your Life!
By Black Dragon Grandmaster Lawrence Day
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This is the Black Dragon Fist taught to John Keehan by Senzo Tanaka and then to Grandmaster Lawrence Day and Frank Dux. Like the Tibetan Burning Palm, this is a secret training form reserved only for select students. This Long Form was developed by Grandmaster Lawrence Day and Ashida Kim from techniques they learned training with John Keehan, also known as Count Dante. It is named in his honor and practiced today by all members of our most ancient and honorable martial arts fellowship and is one of the few acceptable self-defense forms that qualify an applicant for membership in the International Fighting Arts Association and Official Black Dragon Fighting Society.
Dance of Death, the Dance of the Deadly Hands Long Form, is without doubt, the most savage and terrifying self-defense form known to man. It is composed of forty-five of the deadliest poison hand techniques ever devised, each one of which is guaranteed to kill, cripple or maim any attacker. Learning just one of these fists could save your life. Learning all of them will make you a master!
Paperback | $29.95
Published by DOJO Press
Paperback; Perfect Bound; 134 pages; photographs and illustrations
Bringing to the World for the First Time these
Deadly and Terrifying Fistic and Grappling Methods are the International Grandmasters of
our most Ancient and Honorable Martial Arts Brotherhood
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This is Kinji-Te, the Forbidden Fist.
It is called that because there are those in the martial arts community
who do not think these ancient secrets should be shared with the Gwai
Lo, the "round eyes from the West." Earlier attempts to publish this
material were met with stiff opposition and resistance by legitimate
publishing firms because the techniques were considered too brutal and
horrifying, the descriptions of injuries inflicted too gruesome and
shocking for the general public.
The legend has always been that Ashida Kim, using another name, went
to Chicago in 1968 to work with a motorcycle club to provide "security" for
the protesters at the Democratic National Convention. And, that while
there he learned the world's deadliest fighting secrets from Count
Dante in a secret Dojo. Although there are those born long after these
events who dispute this story, two of the original members of the Black
Dragon Fighting Society Grandmaster Doug Dwyer and Grandmaster Lawrence
Day, who were there at the time and who are still actively teaching
today confirm that he was there.
No one believed John Keehan went to Death Matches in China. Until Frank
Dux proved that he did it too. No one believed that Ashida Kim ever
met Count Dante, until now. No matter what the proof, people tend to
believe what they want in spite of the truth or lack of facts to
support their point. And, it doesn't matter if they are right or wrong.
What matters is the Way. Martial arts are not about fighting. They are
about self-improvement, about empowering the individual to stand up
for himself and do the right thing. This book could save your life.
These strikes and fists are found by one name or
another in every martial art known to man. They attack every vital and
fatal point of the human body with devastating effect so quickly and
so ferociously that no defense is possible. Even if you
only read this book once, you will have learned enough to defend
yourself in today's turbulent and dangerous world.
As martial artists, we value peace and harmony
above all else. Among all our techniques we have a preferred method of self-defense that
anyone can use- RUN AWAY! But, if you can't run, if all avenues of escape have been
exhausted, if you are trapped and must fight for your life, do your worst. Strike hard,
strike fast, no mercy...Here's how...
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