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Certificate and Handbook


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Masters of Freestyle Martial Arts was created to fill a need. There are many people who are self-taught, who are natural fighters, who have military or life experience that qualifies them to be martial artists. The only thing missing is recognition of their skills. The MFMA recognises the hard work and talent of seasoned martial artists or individuals who have created their own styles and enables those with a passion for martial arts to exceed their potential and become recognised internationally.

So, if you have an effective fighting system developed through personal experience, you are, by definition, a Freestyle Martial Artist. If all you require is certification and recognition of your art, we can help. Our review and evaluation committee, composed of masters from many styles and systems, can provide assistance to achieve the certification you deserve. The validity of this certification is guaranteed by Grandmasters of the Black Dragon Fighting Society and the International Fighting Arts Association.


Some of our students dreamt of being able to learn to Black Belt all their lives, but never had the chance. Other members of the MFMA are already masters of certain martial arts, but they want to learn something different. The MFMA is giving all the people of the world who want to learn martial arts a golden opportunity.

  • Your Sensei closed his Dojo, moved away, or died.
  • The syllabus is shallow and the instructor refuses to promote.
  • If your teacher has died and you want to carry on his legacy.
  • In most commercial Karate Schools promotions are held every three to six months, usually takes about two years to earn a Shodan, Black Belt 1st Degree.
  • If you think you are being held back. If you haven’t been promoted in three years or more, we are here to help.
  • If you are self-taught and want validation for what you have learned.
  • If you have military or life experience that qualifies you as a martial artist.
  • You have developed your own system and want it to be officially recognized.
  • You required credentials to obtain employment.
  • If your certificates were lost or stolen.
  • If you are an undocumented Black Belt, who put in the time and effort to study and train.
  • The only thing standing in the way of you getting your Black Belt is YOU!

MFMA Certification

In the MFMA, students can train to Black Belt or any level of Black Belt, if they wish. We give people the chance to study our styles from home, without pressure or prejudice. If you want to learn just one belt grade a year, that is perfectly fine. We acknowledge that any training is better than doing nothing, and when needed, being able to defend yourself is far better than being defenceless. We welcome and salute all martial artists from all styles and systems and invite them to join us in the great work of sharing this knowledge with others.

We wish you every success in the MFMA. For more details on my martial arts eBooks, styles and courses, please visit my website at the link below: THE MFMA WEBSITE

Specify Name Spelling, Rank, Style, Certificate Size (8.5 x 11 inches or 11 x 17 inches) and any Special Endorsements you may wish to have included to: Dojo-Academy of Martial Arts

You will Receive:

  • MFMA Certification
  • MFMA Member Handbook
  • MFMA Identification Card

Product Details

Certification | $55.00
Published by DOJO Press

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