International Fighting Arts Association

Black Dragon Fighting Society

History and Membership

Huo Yuanjia

In the motion picture Fearless, Jet Li portrays Huo Xianji, founder of the Jing Wu Martial Arts Association of China. Like many Chinese martial arts films, it depicts the true story of the life and career of this legendary boxer. At the conclusion of the film Huo participates in the turn of the century first San Soo international martial arts tournament that brought champions from all over the world to compete in No-Holds-Barred competition to determine who indeed was the best of the best. This was event was the natural evolution of the closed Chinese Death Matches that had been held between Wu Shu masters on the mainland for centuries. In these matches participants were required to sign "death warrants" so that if they were crippled or killed their opponents could not be held legally responsible.

Senzo Tanaka

All nations, styles and systems were welcome. Masters were so expert that they fought with live weapons as well as Hand-to-Hand. The final match was between Huo and Japanese master Senzo Tanaka. Their battle was heroic. Huo, who was fighting to restore his national pride, had been poisoned by rival elements in his government who wanted him to lose. In the end, even though he struck the winning blow, Tanaka raised Huo's hand and proclaimed him the champion, so great was his respect for his valiant opponent.

International Fighting Arts Association

After that, the martial artists or many nations convened a great meeting and agreed to hold such matches again. Not for the paltry political gain of their nations, but rather for themselves. True warriors understand that martial arts are not about fighting. They are about becoming a better person so that we can help others. It is true that one is empowered by learning the combative techniques of self-defense, real martial arts also include, and many begin, with exercises and healing methods. In this way the patience of the student is tested and he is only given information that can help him. The power of life and death is not handed out lightly. There are many levels of skill and training. By competing against one another we discover ourselves and perfect our art. Thus, the International Fighting Arts Association was formed.

Count Dante

Sensei Tanaka of the Japanese Kokuryukai, still listed by the FBI as a subversive organization since WWII, was a moving force in this project and many others. He was heavily involved in the training of many famous martial artists, including Chicago's infamous Count Dante (John Keehan). The Count was an expert in Judo, Jui-jitsu, Gung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan, Shaolin Boxing, Kempo, Karate, Yawara, Boxing and Wrestling, as well as holding a Black Belt in Aikido and a Master's certificate in Kibo. He was able to study these arts while serving as the director of a wig and hair-piece firm based in India, China, Indonesia, Korea, and Japan; where he availed himself of the opportunity to train and practice with the masters of every field in addition to participating in and surviving several Oriental Death Matches and reportedly killing three men with his bare hands. The American Branch of the ancient and honorable Black Dragon Fighting Society was founded by Count Juan Raphael Dante and opened to public membership in 1968.

Hanshi Frank Dux

He was scheduled to fight again in 1975 but his untimely death allowed his protege Frank Dux to attend and become the first American to win the event. His epic battle to honor his teachers was made famous in the movie Bloodsport. In the movie he is asked to prove he is a student of Senzo Tanaka and therefore eligible to participate in the closed Kumite matches by demonstrating his skill at Dim Mak, the delayed death touch. He does this by shattering a brick with a technique known as the Tibetan Burning Palm, taught to him by Grandmaster Lawrence Day. They knew this was a signature technique of the Kokuryukai, the Black Dragon Tong of Retribution and the Amur River Society, taught only to senior students. Hanshi Dux holds sixteen unbroken world records as recognized by the South African Olympic Committee. He continues to train and compete all over the world.


The legend has always been that Ashida Kim, using another name, went to Chicago in 1968 to work with a motorcycle club that was providing “security” for the protesters at the Democratic National Convention. And, that while there he became a member of the Black Dragon Fighting Society and learned the Dance of Death from World’s Deadliest Fighting Secrets, taught by Count Dante himself, in a secret Chinatown Dojo hosted by the Blackstone Rangers. [Ninja Hands of Death]

Although there are those born long after these events occurred who dispute this story, two of the original members of that martial arts organization, Grandmaster Doug Dwyer and Grandmaster Lawrence Day, who were there at the time, have confirmed that he was there and is a member their fraternal order. In 2012, Year of the Black Dragon, Grandmaster Don Miskel, 9th Dan Dante Goju Ryu and one of the original students of Count Dante, was designated Head of Family for operations of our fellowship. In 2022 he passed the mantle of leadership to Hanshi Frank Dux.

Among many martial artists there is a great importance placed on the history and lineage of a style or system or organization. This is the documented lineage and legacy that we offer. This is the legacy of which you can be a part.

By special arrangment with the Academy of Martial Arts, the International Fighting Arts Association and Official Black Dragon Fighting Society, in which Grandmaster Kim is honored as one of the Patriarchs, we have agreed to offer Affiliate Memberships in this our most ancient and honorable international martial arts fraternity. This is the first step toward achieving Full Membership Status and numbers you among the world's finest martial artists. It entitles you to display the IFAA signs and symbols, wear the badge of membership and enjoy the support of our Brotherhood.

•Be part of a global fraternity and growing network of diverse martial artist that is currently recognized by the Mongolian and South African governments and has representatives in the U.S. and dozens of other countries.

•Ability to tap into our strength by being a martial art family of one that protects against racial bias, virtual online bullies, political entanglements and cultivate a kindred spirit for the arts.

•Register your current rank and be globally recognized via network of affiliate Dojo.

•Access to international resources from the Society's instructional library.

•Ability to petition for rank advancement testing in current style from qualified masters.

•Opportunity to participate in the growth of our Society and receive honors and financial rewards in the process.

•Receive discounted entry to our Black Dragon teaching seminars and our annual Fellowship Meeting.

•Opportunity to mingle, learn and associate with pioneers and giants in the martial arts industry.

You will receive:

*11 x 17 parchment Certificate of Membership signed by nine Grandmasters of the Black Dragon Fighting Society, including Hanshi Frank Dux, Dr. Lawrence Day and Sensei Ashida Kim, recognizing you as a Registered Martial Artist of our fraternal order. Please indicate your rank, style and name spelling as you wish it to appear on the certificate to be kept on file as part of your Permanent Record.

*Official Identification Card signed by the Head of Family-Patriarch Council, and 4 x 8 inch History Scroll.

*Registry of IFAA Grandmasters including History, Traditions and Mission Statement of our Brotherhood.

*Your Name, Rank and Contact information will be added to the Official Black Dragon Fighting Society Webpage, verifying your membership, valdating your rank, and enabling new students to find and contact you. For an additional One-Time-Only fee of $35 your picture and biography will be added to the yearly Black Belt Registry.

*Access to our Online Martial Art Network that services the global Facebook community, to which you can submit articles, find the current schedule of seminars, and event reports of your Dojo to share with fellow members, and that will keep you informed of BDFS activities and details of our Annual Gathering.

The Black Dragon Fighting Society exists as a congress and confederation of martial artists for the purpose of preserving, practicing and promoting the martial arts. To qualify, an applicant must present certifiable documentation of rank or be an expert in one of the few acceptable self-defense forms recognized by the brotherhood. Many World Famous Champions have been unable to meet the strict entrance requirements and have failed to gain admission into our forbidden fraternity.

The Black Dragon Fighting Society does not arbitrarily award rank. Graduation and rank advancement require evaluation of credentials and skill by the IFAA Promotions and Review Board. But, we do recognize rank that you have earned, time-in-grade, natural skill and ability, military and law enforcement training, mixed martial arts, life experience and techniques learned on the street. This is an entry level affiliate membership. Full Membership is by invitation only and requires sponsorship by an active member of the Brotherhood and approval of the Grandmasters Council. The exact membership, and training procedures and occult teachings in the most savage and terrifying fistic and grappling arts known to man are closely guarded secrets of the fellowship, who are sworn to a Vow of Silence and joined together in an initiation ceremony of blood. We are not "recruiting new members." We are inviting our fellow martial artists to join us in this noble mission.

Applicants should present credentials and One-Time Only $150.00 Application Processing Fee to

The DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts for consideration.

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To order by mail click here IFAA Membership
When ordering by mail:  Indicate your rank, style and name spelling as you wish it to appear on the certificate.
Mail with your address, city, state and zip code to:

Dojo Press
PO Box 209
Lake Alfred FL 33850

Please include check or money order.  Canada and Foreign
orders, please add $15 per order for shipping. US Funds Only.

The Black Dragon Fighting Society founded by Count Dante, World's Deadliest Fighting Master and author of Karate Is for Sissies and World's Deadliest Fighting Secrets, with such famous martial artists as Frank Dux of Bloodsport fame, Ernie Reynolds, Master of Judo, Kendo, Iaido, Chi Master Walter Rice, and Ninja Ashida Kim, sponsor many charitable works and foundations such as Soke Jay Blanton's Anti-Bully Program, and the BDFS Mentoring Course, Bully Beatdown and Bully Smackdown, as well as keeping the history, traditions and skills of the International Fighting Arts alive.