Boxers, Wrestlers, Street Fighters UNITE!

You Ain't Seen Bad Yet, But It's Coming!

Certificate and Handbook


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This is the Membership for the Street-Fighter, Security Guard or Military trained personnel. It requires no previous credentials. It gives credit for life experience in the School of Hard Knocks. Pugilism refers not only to Boxing, but to all forms of Self-Defense. Monkey Wrench is as valid a weapon as any Kung Fu Cudgel. Tire Iron or Motorcycle Chain is the same as a Chinese Steel Whip in application and deployment. Old men often carry canes and are skilled in using them as weapons.

All real martial artists know, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight that determines the winner. It’s the size of the fight in the dog.” That’s why they don’t go around picking fights with strangers. Anyone might be a “boxer in disguise,” just waiting for an opportunity to show off or teach somebody a lesson or just ventilate a little anger. Especially if they don’t go around bragging about their exploits.

Thus, they earn the badge of the Mystery Schools of ancient Tibet. Men of peace, humble as the dust; who can fight like ten tigers.


Many highly skilled Martial Artists are lost due the “politics” of Karate or Gung Fu schools. And many people are well trained and effective fighters based on Military Combat Training or even techniques learned from “outlaw” teachers who share what they have learned with but a few and may not provide certification. This membership Registers the individual as a trained martial artist "on file" with our Martial Arts Fraternity so that his or her credentials may be validated, verified, or confirmed with our Central Office upon request.

All our memberships include the DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts Official ID Card and Membership Handbook signed by Ashida Kim, Director of Training and Operations, which recognizes the Bearer as a Certified Martial Artist of Specified Rank, authorized to carry exotic weapons and possess restricted information. In some countries, like the UK and Australia, such proof of membership and a Dojo affiliation are required just to buy practice weapons for training purposes, much less for self-defense!

DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts

Our fellowship exists as a confederation of independent agents for the purpose of preserving, practicing, studying, and teaching the Martial Arts. To qualify for membership, an applicant must present previous certification of rank in recognized fighting system. Or, test in person before a panel of qualified DOJO Instructors for graduation. In the 21st century we have included videotesting as an alternative method. We welcome and salute all martial artists from all styles and systems and invite them to join us in the great work of sharing this knowledge with others.

You will receive:

  • 8.5 x 11 Parchment Certificate of Specified Rank in Chosen Style or Martial Arts System;
  • Official DOJO-Academy of Martial Arts ID Card;
  • DOJO Members Handbook;
  • Cigarettes as Weapons on Request

Specify Name Spelling, Rank, Style, Certificate Size (8.5 x 11 inches or 11 x 17 inches) and any Special Endorsements you may wish to have included to: Dojo-Academy of Martial Arts

Product Details

Certification | $55.00
Published by DOJO Press

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DOJO Press
P.O. Box 209
Lake Alfred, FL 33850

Please include check or money order. Canada and Foreign orders, please add $20 per order for First Class Postage.

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