Tibetan BURNING Palm
By Grandmaster Lawrence Day
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As Taught to Hanshi Frank Dux by Black Dragon Grandmaster Lawrence Day
In the movie Bloodsport Frank Dux is asked to prove he is a student of Senzo Tanaka and therefore eligible to fight in the closed Kumite matches by demonstrating his skill at Dim Mak, the delayed death touch. He does this by shattering a brick with a technique known as the Tibetan Burning Palm. The judges knew this was a signature technique of the Kokuryukai, the Black Dragon Fighting Society, taught only to senior students.
But, it was not Sensei Tanaka who taught Frank Dux the Tibetan Burning Palm. It was Grandmaster Lawrence Day. Both confirm that Sensei Tanaka told then Sensei Day to teach Frank Dux this technique so that he would be allowed to participate in the event.
It has NEVER BEFORE BEEN FILMED OR WRITTEN DOWN IN ANY FORM and is only made available here so that the knowledge will not be lost to the many students of Grandmaster Day who respect him so highly and revere his teachings.
This is a very powerful exercise, restricted to Black Belt 3rd Degree and above. Even when done properly it can be dangerous. It is presented here as an academic study of this ancient and mysterious facet of Chinese martial arts. All of these exercises stimulate the flow of Chi and bring it to the palms where it can be felt. Once you “feel” it, you will know it exists. This is the nature of this type of transcendental experience. No one can explain it adequately in mere words. But, it can be experienced by doing these exercises. Including The Nine Temple Exercises and Five Elements Breathing for good health and longevity.
Grandmaster Day has previously trained only nine personal students in this method. We cannot teach you the unteachable. But, we can show you how to find it for yourself- THIS IS HOW!
See the video – Read the BOOKDr. Day was one of the original Black Dragons that studied under Grandmaster Count Dante and Grandmaster Doug Dwyer and has been a Black Dragon Fighting Society member from the mid '60s to present day. He has also studied with Grandmaster Senzo Tanaka. Dr. Day was honored by being named a 37th generation Warrior Monk under Grandmaster Young Di of the Shaolin Temple. Dr. Day continued teaching and learning Tai-chi, Chi-kung and his passion, Chi-ma, or Fa-ching poison hand for over 45 years. Dr. Day was one of the few living masters of the Tibetan Burning Palm, a technique he has shared with only nine senior students, among them Hanshi Frank Dux of Bloodsport fame.
DVD | $29.95
26 Minutes | Color | NTSC-DVD Format
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