When the stakes are life and death, anything goes!
By "Shorty" Hofnagel
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He who strikes first in a fight most often wins, especially if the opponent is caught-flat footed and off guard. 101 Sucker Punches offers an array of techniqeus for laying out a sucker with just one punch, strike, or kick. P.T Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute"- author and professional sneak "Shorty" Hofnagel will show you how to take advantage of that fact with this handy guide.
Sifu Jerry Cook demonstrates and teaches the fundamental Five Element Fist of Hsing-i Chuan:
Don't let the names fool you. These are tried and true, seriously effective moves used by the FBI, bouncers and even Security Guards of Elvis Presley. Stay one step ahead of the other guy with this entertaining and practical handbook of mayhem.
This is the first of a series of three simplified self-defense booklets designed to present in an entertaining and amusing fashion some of the dirty tricks used by muggers and bullies to attack their victims. So, that the victim may be aware of such an attack and forestall it by launching one of his own, or simply defending aginst and aggressor.
See also Bride of Sucker Punch and Son of Sucker Punch
Paperback; | $19.95
Published by DOJO Press
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