When the stakes are life and death, anything goes!
By "Shorty" Hofnagel Jr.
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Once again, “Shorty” Hofnagel, Master and leading exponent of the subtle art of Sucker Punching, brings to you, the defenseless reading public, the forbidden fighting techniques that have enabled him to survive numerous encounters with foes and adversaries many times his own size and number. Filled with the wry humor that has made him famous, the author reveals the secrets of hidden weapons that can even the odds and make victory a certainty against any attacker, regardless of size, physical strength, or superior numbers. Not only does he teach the methods of applying these simple yet effective tricks of the trade, but also the means whereby such implements of destruction can be hidden and manufactured by anyone of reasonable intelligence.
Selecting the Battlefield
Improvised Weapons
Hidden Weapons
Fabricated Weapons
And the fundamental credo and philosophy necessary for anyone to become a master of the Sucker Punch System.
This is the second of a series of three simplified self-defense booklets designed to present in an entertaining and amusing fashion some of the dirty tricks used by muggers and bullies to attack their victims. So, that the victim may be aware of such an attack and forestall it by launching one of his own, or simply defending aginst and aggressor.
Like they say in professional football, "When your down to the last few minutes of the game, and behind by more than three touchdowns on the scoreboard, and you've bet the farm on the outcome, there's only one thing to do- "Take out the referee!" A must for collectors, wimps, nerds, and crusader rabbits worldwide.
See also Bride of Sucker Punch and 101 Sucker Punches
Paperback; | $19.95
Published by DOJO Press
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