Ashida Kim's Secret Training Camp
By Anonymous
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There was a time, not long ago when the mere mention of the word Ninjtsu created a sense of mystery and intrigue. The imagination was overrun with possibilities of unique powers and a special brotherhood. Being part of the inner circle of the NINJA was everything. From the anonymous author of-How to be a Ninja, comes the untold stories of the Ashida Kim training camp.
Enter the shadowy world of espionage as taught since ancient times to the mystic warriors of the night-the Ninja!
Experience the secret training techniques given only to select recruits of the covert Ninja brotherhood. How To Become A Ninja is a dramatic demonstration of the Ninja's art, as well as in-depth instruction for the serious Ninjitsu student.
"In 1986, at the request of many fans and students we hosted a Ninja Training Camp and invited Dojo from across the country to send representatives of their schools to attend. Attending this event was a spy. Whether he was motivated by personal curiosity caused by the many rumors circulated by my competition in the marketplace that I was a fake, or at the direction of some spymaster was unknown. His mission was to infiltrate and observe and report."
"But, when he trained with us and came to know the inner circle of instructors and actually met me, which none of my critics had done, the secret agent realized that we were the true Ninja and revealed himself. He was welcomed into the clan and recognized for his skill and daring."
"Using the pseudonym 'Anonymous,' he wrote How to Become A Ninja. When published 1986 the last chapter was left out because the publisher was looking for an instructional manual; not a tale of high adventure." Including twenty never before published photos and techniques omitted from the original publication by unscrupulous publishers and literary agents who continue to market pirate copies in sixteen countries.
Read the Book-See the Video! How To Become A Ninja-the DVD
"It has been said that one cannot become a Ninja, one must be born a Ninja and then discover that they are one. Not all do. This is the story of one who did. How I Became A Ninja is now available! Get your copy today! Travel back to those early days and see what the future has in store for the Ninja.
"Now, after forty years in the shadows, at last the untold stories can be revealed. How the experience shaped one man's life of adventure and created a warrior. Based on the true life adventures of William Nash, a man of utmost integrity and character, founder of Dagger Inc., an open-source intelligence, global threat assessment and security consulting company with twenty-five years experience as a private military contractor and covert operations, who I am proud to call friend."
"Detachment Alpha" The first book in the Dagger Team series. The stories you were not supposed to read, by the men that were there, doing the dirty deeds.
Want to hear the truth in his own words? Exclusive Online Martial Arts Icons Podcast Interview with the Author!
Paperback | $34.95
Published by DOJO Press
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