of Ko Hung Lao
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"Ta Chuan, the Great Treatise of Chinese Medicine says: 'By means of the easy and simple we grasp the laws of the whole world. When the laws of the whole world are grasped, therein lies perfection.'
"All the exercises for the solo cultivation of energy found in this small text are easy and simple, having been devised over 6000 years ago by ancient man in the absence of “modern” medicine. The beauty of these methods is that one need not understand them intellectually or anatomically in order for them to function perfectly well. Such a scholarly study is interesting on many levels, but is not necessary or required.'
"That these exercises have survived virtually intact for so long and enjoy a revival every twenty years or so as each new generation 'discovers” them, is a testament to their ability to keep the body healthy and prevent many illnesses that may lead to incurable disease and premature death.
"They are collected here so they will not be lost to the sands of time, in the hope that they may provide some benefit to others seeking good health and longevity as they have for me."
Ko Hung Lao, is a student of Master Li Ch'ing Yuen, a Chinese herbalist who, according to legend, lived to be over 250 years old. He accomplished this amazing feat by performing exercises known as the Longevity Exercise and was quoted as saying the secret of his long life was to, "eat like a bird, walk like a monkey, and sleep like a dog." That he actually lived is a well documented fact in Asian history. He was photographed near the end of his life and a picture of him was presented to Gen. Chiang Kai-shek. The New York Times reported his passing in 1930.
Who wants to live forever?
Here are the means whereby the Ancients did it!!!
Train yourself and be your own Master!
Paperback | $19.95
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