Silent Qi Intensification
By Grandmaster David Harris, Ph.D.
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The Qi TV Series has NO SOUND!
Place the disc in the computer or DVD player and allow the energy to fill the room. They can be played on a loop to allow the energy to continue. The energy will fill the space that is open to it, with the greatest amount of energy being felt closest to the source. Qi Gong energy on the DVD is emitted via various hand mudras/positions. The energy is composed of different vibrational wave lengths to produce harmonious effects with oneself and the environment.
Qi TV #6: Stimulates the brain and enhances memory. May not use want to use just before desiring to rest/relax.
This DVD is not meant/intended/implied to diagnose/treat/cure any disease or condition.
Other QiTV DVDs in this Series:
David Harris is Grandmaster of four Martial Arts and Qi Gong with 40 years of experience. He held the World Title in Kumite Open Fighting for two years and the World Title for Brick Breaking a stack of eighteen 1200 psi concrete blocks.
“I began my study of martial Arts at four years of age. Individuals who find one Grandmaster in a lifetime to study with are fortunate. Being in the right place at the right time, I have had the honor of studying with many Grandmasters in Martial Arts. Three of these grandmasters found me so worthy as to honor me as the inheritor of their martial arts systems.
“Some of my styles of martial study include Shun Tao, Tai Chi Chuan, Fa Jing Chuan, Baguazhang, Chinese Kenpo, American Kenpo, Jujitsu, Ninjitsu, Dim Hsueh, Aikido, Arnis, Kali, Tae Kwon Do, Goju Ryu, Judo, Shoot Fighting, Kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do and many others.
“I have now turned the knowledge and energy I originally learned to inflict damage or death into healing.”
DVD | $19.95
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