American Home Guard
Hand-to-Hand Combat Training Manual
By Patriot Press
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Hand-to-Hand Combat is an engagement between two or more persons in an empty-handed struggle or with handheld weapons such as knives, sticks, and rifles with bayonets. These fighting arts are essential military skills. Projectile weapons may be lost or broken, or they may fail to fire. When friendly and enemy forces become so intermingled that firearms and grenades are not practical, hand-to-hand combat skills become vital assets.
Presented here are the relevant techniques from U.S. Army Field Manual #21-150 © 1992 The Training Manual from which these techniques were extracted is “Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited.” It is therefore within the purview of the American Homeguard to compile this Manual for historical reference and graduation in self-defense.
The purpose of this American Homeguard Training Manual is to provide the unarmed Citizen with self-defense technques that can be used against armed and unarmed opponents.
Paperback | $19.95
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