By Patriot Press
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This manual is basic training for all American HomeGuard units. It teaches bayonet-on-rifle drills that can be easily adapted to the medieval pike or spear; as well as Hand-to-Hand combat with the bayonet as the long knife/short sword it truly is. These techniques can be used withor without the HomeGuard Shield and are intended for use by hastily raised civilian militia forced to defend their homes just as the British Home Guard did more than eighty years ago against a similar threat. These military methods have been tried and proven on the world's battlefields and can be taught to large or small unarmed groups in a short period of time. Either as a readiness exercises or deal with a very real and impending threat.
Since September 12th, 2001, the American HomeGuard has been gathering, preparing for the inevitable conflict that will come. When the People must fight to defend their Homeland. Writing these books, training, assembling our resources, forming special units, to be ready.
And, now we are.
Publishing these handbooks is our way of letting you know we are out there, watching, waiting, making sure that things don’t get too bad. And inviting you to join us in this, the great challenge of our time.
To save the Free World from fanatics who want to drag mankind back to the 13th century and install themselves as the overlords of the Earth.
We will not let that happen. If you want to join us know that you are not alone, know that we are with you.
Paperback; | $29.95
Published by Patriot Press
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